Stinging Insects

Having stinging insects nesting in your yard can put a real damper on your day-to-day activities. Swarms of stinging insects make it difficult for you to care for your lawn, eat outdoors, garden, and truly enjoy your outdoor space with family and friends. Wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets are the most problematic stinging insects in our area and pose the most danger to people. The venom that stinging insects possess is strong enough to cause health problems. These insects use the stingers extending from the abdomen to deliver their potent venom. Their stings are quite painful and not something anyone wants to experience.
Hornets tend to be social insects meaning they live together in large groups and aggressively defend their nests. Wasps can be either social or solitary. Solitary wasps nest alone and tend to be less aggressive. Our yards often provide stinging insects with many places to nest and plenty of places to forage for food, including our trash cans, outdoor eating areas, grill areas, gardens, and flowerbeds. When stinging insects nest or start hanging around high traffic areas of your yard, it is important to seek help. Our professionals will identify the species, safely remove the nest, and provide the routine services necessary to help prevent future problems with these pests.
To help make your property less attractive to stinging insects, we want to provide you with a list of our most effective prevention tips.
- Regularly check decks, stairs, attics, crawl spaces, and play areas for nests.
- Remove standing water from your property that stinging insects can use as a water source.
- Don't allow trees, shrubs, and bushes to overgrow near your home.
- Stop stinging insects from foraging for food in trash cans and compost bins by keeping lids on both.
- Keep outdoor eating areas free of leftover food and drinks that will attract hungry wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.